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Stroj za čiščenje debelega črevesa

Stroj za čiščenje debelega črevesa
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    Stroj za čiščenje debelega črevesa

    Colon Cleanse Machine


    The Features of Natural Colon Cleanse Machine:

    1. S predalom in omarico
    2. Zanesljivo in varno delovanje
    3. Popolnoma zaprt sistem
    4. Vgrajen sistem za dezinfekcijo
    5. Regulator tlaka vode
    6. Vodovod s priključki
    7. Tlak in temperatura nadzorovana z varnostnimi funkcijami
    8. Natančno, nastavljiv nadzor temperature in zaporni ventil


    Machine Name Stroj za čiščenje debelega črevesa
    Voltage 220V±22V 50Hz±1 Hz
    Relative Humidity 30%~75% 860hPa~1060hPa
    Total power ≤1600w ≥2L/min
    Continuous Running Time 8 hours 10~40℃±2℃
    Time Range 0-any data(S) ≤65db
    Filtered Water Accuracy 1um Disposable Catheter
    Notice: The Color and LOGO can be customized according to your need.



    The amazing benefits of intestinal hydrotherapy:

    ❖ Improve constipation, akne, napenjanje, diarrhoea

    ❖ Improve headache, nespečnost, bad breath and fox odour

    ❖ Improve high uric acid

    ❖ Improve physical abdominal obesity

    ❖ Improve blood triglycerides and poor peripheral blood circulation.

    ❖ Improve dark spots and rough skin

    ❖ Strengthen liver and kidney functions

    Avoid improper medication and blind health care.


    Colon Cleanse Machine


    The concept of colon cleansing dates back to the ancient Egyptians who used enemas to cleanse their colon. Colon hydrotherapy was first introduced into modern medicine in the 19th century as a way of treating constipation and bowel disorders.

    Načelo delovanja

    The colon cleanse machine works by using a gentle flow of water to flush out the colon. Warm, filtered water is introduced through a small tube into the rectum, and the water is then slowly released, which flushes out waste and toxins from the colon.


    How to Empty Your Colon

    There are several methods to empty your colon, vključno z:

    • Drinking plenty of water
    • Eating high-fiber foods
    • Taking laxatives or enemas
    • Using natural remedies like aloe vera or apple cider vinegar

    What is Hydro Therapy

    Hydro therapy, also known as colonic hydrotherapy, is a type of colon cleansing that involves flushing the colon with water. This method is typically performed by a trained professional using a specialized machine.

    What is the Best Way to Clean Out Your Intestines

    The best way to clean out your intestines depends on your individual needs and preferences. Vendar, some popular methods include:

    • Fasting or juice cleansing
    • Incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet
    • Taking herbal supplements or teas
    • Using hydro therapy

    What Can Help You Clean Your Stomach

    In addition to colon cleansing, there are several ways to improve the health of your stomach, vključno z:

    • Eating a healthy diet
    • Avoiding processed foods and sugar
    • Taking probiotics or digestive enzymes
    • Managing stress levels

    What is the Best Colon Cleanse Supplement

    There are many colon cleanse supplements on the market, but it’s important to choose one that is safe and effective. Look for products that contain natural ingredients like psyllium husk, magnesium, and probiotics.

    How Many Sessions for Colonic Hydrotherapy

    The number of sessions needed for colonic hydrotherapy depends on your individual needs and goals. Tipično, a series of 3-5 treatments is recommended for optimal results.

    How to Do Bowel Cleanse

    If you prefer to do a bowel cleanse at home, there are several methods you can try, vključno z:

    • Fasting or juice cleansing
    • Taking herbal supplements or teas
    • Using enemas or colon irrigation kits
    • Incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet

    What is Colon Cleanser

    Colon cleanser is a type of supplement or product that is designed to help flush toxins and waste from the colon. These products typically contain natural ingredients like fiber, herbs, and probiotics.


    Colon Cleanse Machine


    Using a colon cleanse machine has numerous benefits, vključno z:

    • Detoxifying the body
    • Relieving constipation
    • Improving digestive health
    • Krepitev imunskega sistema
    • Reducing bloating and gas
    • Spodbujanje hujšanja
    • Zmanjšanje tveganja raka debelega črevesa
    • Improving the appearance of the skin
    • Reducing fatigue and improving energy levels


    The colon cleansing procedure typically involves the following steps:

    1. Lying comfortably on a table or bed
    2. Inserting a small tube into the rectum
    3. Starting the flow of warm, filtered water
    4. Allowing the water to flow out and flush out waste and toxins
    5. Repeating the process until the colon is clean

    Who Needs It

    Colon cleansing can be beneficial for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being. It is particularly helpful for those suffering from chronic constipation, napenjanje, in prebavne težave.

    Colon Cleanse Machine

    Application Industries

    The colon cleanse machine is widely used in the following industries:

    1. Alternative and complementary health
    2. Wellness and beauty spas
    3. Naturopathic and holistic medicine
    4. Physical therapy and rehabilitation clinics
    5. Weight loss and fitness centers
    6. Gastroenterology practices
    7. Oncology clinics

    1. How to Properly Cleanse Your Bowels

    • If you want to properly cleanse your bowels, you should start by incorporating more fiber into your diet.
    • Drinking plenty of water, redno telovadijo, and managing stress can also help promote healthy bowel movements.

    2. How to Cleanse Bowels

    • There are many natural methods for cleansing your bowels, such as drinking herbal tea and eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt.
    • You can also try a colon cleanse supplement or undergo colonic hydrotherapy.

    3. How to Cleanse Colon

    • To properly cleanse your colon, you should eat a healthy diet with plenty of fiber, stay hydrated, in redno telovadite.
    • You can also try using a colon cleanse supplement or undergoing colonic hydrotherapy.

    4. Kako očistiti črevesje in debelo črevo

    • Eating a high-fiber diet, pitje veliko vode, and staying active can help clean out your intestines and colon.
    • There are also supplements and colonic hydrotherapy treatments that can help flush out your system.

    5. How Much Is a Colonic Hydrotherapy?

    • The cost of colonic hydrotherapy varies depending on where you live and the provider you choose.
    • On average, a single session can cost anywhere from $75 do $150.

    6. What Is the Best Way to Clean Your Stomach?

    • The best way to clean your stomach is by eating a healthy diet that is high in fiber and drinking plenty of water.
    • You can also incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir into your diet to help promote digestive health.

    7. How Does Colon Cleanse Help Lose Weight?

    • Colon cleanse can help you lose weight by removing built-up waste and toxins from your colon, which can lead to bloating and excess water weight.
    • Vendar, it’s important to note that colon cleanse should not be used as a weight loss solution on its own.

    8. What Can Clean My Stomach?

    • Eating a healthy diet that is high in fiber, pitje veliko vode, and exercising regularly can help clean your stomach.
    • You can also try herbal teas and probiotic-rich foods like yogurt to promote healthy digestion.

    Colon Cleanse Machine Colon Cleanse Machine

    Contact lucy

    V našem podjetju, smo profesionalni dobavitelji aparatov za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa, veletrgovci z aparati za debelo črevo, in proizvajalci opreme za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa.

    Če vas zanima postati lokalni distributer ali preprodajalec, kontaktirajte nas preko elektronske pošte, WhatsApp, ali pustite sporočilo na naši spletni strani.

    The colon cleanse machine is an invaluable tool in promoting overall health and well-being, and we are proud to be a part of this growing industry.



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