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Dobavitelji aparatov za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa v Indiji

Dobavitelji aparatov za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa v Indiji
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    Dobavitelji aparatov za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa v Indiji

    Colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india

    The Specifications ofColon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india


    Item Name







    50Hz±1 Hz

    Running Environment


    Environment Temperature

    10℃~ 40℃

    Relative Humidity


    Barometric Pressure


    Continuous Running Time

    8 hours

    Total power


    Liquid Flow


    Water Temperature Range


    Time Range

    0-any data(S)

    Filtered Water Accuracy


    Machine Noise



    Disposable Catheter

    Purify blood

    Ta stroj lahko očisti toksin v črevesnem traktu in lahko učinkovito izboljša čistost periferne krvi. Temelji na sistemu krvnega obtoka, lahko postopoma odstrani toksin iz krvi. Zdravljenje torej pozitivno vpliva na znižanje krvnega tlaka, maščobe v krvi, krvna kislina, glukoze v krvi.

    Povečajte imuniteto

    odstraniti toksine v človeškem telesu in učinkovito zmanjšati breme življenja. Zanesite se na sistem samoravnovesja človeškega telesa, lahko doseže namen

    Odložitev senilnosti telesa in popravilo neuravnovešenega telesa. Finally it strengthens the body immunity, disease-resistant and initiative of body repair.

    Product features:

    1.Automatic control. The patient is able to operate by himself. Don’t need others accompany. It has patient’s privacy kept properly.

    2. Operate through touch panel and there are 2 screens display. 1 for patient to watch operation and 1 for doctor for operation and print result.

    3. Colon catheter is disposable. Guarantee once use. Open new one and destroy after use face to face.

    4. the hydrotherapy bed is scientific researched and designed, which has excretion outlet. With this bed, patient is able to have relive the bowels freely. The bed is convenient, udobno, no pain, not leaking, no smell.

    5. Low voltage operation. It has 2 layer water and the temperature and pressure is automatic controlled by computer. This can keep safe operation.

    6. There is medicine feed device, which is suitable give medicine to colon after cleanse colon.

    Colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india

    Item Name Data
    Power /
    Voltage 220V±22V
    Frequency 50Hz±1 Hz
    Running Environment /
    Environment Temperature 10℃~ 40℃
    Relative Humidity 30%~75%
    Barometric Pressure 860hPa~1060hPa
    Continuous Running Time 8 hours
    Total power ≤1600w

    Liquid Flow

    Water Temperature Range 10~40℃±2℃
    Time Range 0-any data(S)
    Filtered Water Accuracy 1um
    Machine Noise ≤65db
    Consumables Disposable Catheter

    The History of Colon Hydrotherapy Machines

    Kolon hidroterapija, znan tudi kot izpiranje debelega črevesa, se izvaja že stoletja. Pravzaprav, stari Egipčani in Grki so uporabljali klistir kot način čiščenja telesa. Danes, naprave za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa so postale priljubljen način za razstrupljanje telesa in spodbujanje splošnega zdravja.

    Kako delujejo stroji za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa?

    Stroji za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa uporabljajo nežen tok vode za izpiranje debelega črevesa in odstranjevanje nakopičenih odpadkov in toksinov. Stroj je zasnovan tako, da je udoben in neboleč, omogoča pacientu, da se med postopkom sprosti. Postopek običajno traja približno eno uro, and patients may experience mild discomfort or cramping.

    The Advantages of Colon Hydrotherapy Machines

    • Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
    • Detoxifies the body
    • Relieves constipation
    • Reduces bloating and gas
    • Boosts energy levels
    • Stimulates the immune system
    • Relieves stress and anxiety
    • Promotes overall well-being

    The Steps of a Colon Hydrotherapy Session

    1. The patient will lie down on the table and insert a small tube into the rectum.
    2. The machine will begin to send a gentle stream of filtered water into the colon.
    3. Voda bo izplaknila odpadke in toksine, ki se bo zbiral v cevi, priključeni na stroj.
    4. Celoten postopek traja približno eno uro, and patients may experience mild discomfort or cramping.

    Kdo potrebuje kolonohidroterapijo?

    Kolonhidroterapijo priporočamo vsem, ki želijo izboljšati svoje splošno zdravje in počutje. Lahko je še posebej koristno za tiste, ki trpijo zaradi zaprtja, napenjanje, ali prebavne težave. Dodatno, ljudem, ki želijo razstrupiti svoje telo ali povečati raven energije, lahko koristi kolonohidroterapija.

    Panoge, ki uporabljajo naprave za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa

    1. Klinike za zdravje in dobro počutje
    2. Zdravilišča in centri holistične medicine
    3. Centri za hidroterapijo debelega črevesa
    4. Kiropraktične pisarne
    5. Naturopatske klinike
    6. Detox retreats
    7. Alternative therapy clinics

    Whether you’re looking to improve your overall health or just want to detoxify your body, colon hydrotherapy machines can be an effective and safe way to do so. Contact us today to learn more about our machines and pricing.

    Colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india

    1. What is colonic hydrotherapy?

    Hidroterapija debelega črevesa, also known as colon cleansing or colon irrigation, is a procedure that involves flushing out the colon with water. This is done through the rectum using a special machine that delivers water into the colon and then sucks it back out, along with any waste and toxins that have built up in the colon over time.

    2. How often should you have colonic hydrotherapy?

    The frequency of colonic hydrotherapy sessions depends on your individual needs and goals. Some people choose to have it done once a week, while others may only have it done once or twice a year. It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner to determine the best frequency for your needs.

    3. How can I clean my stomach and intestines?

    In addition to colonic hydrotherapy, there are other ways to support the health of your digestive system. Eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, zelenjava, and fiber, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise can all help keep your stomach and intestines clean and functioning properly.

    4. How to do a colonic at home?

    It is not recommended to attempt colonic hydrotherapy at home. This procedure should only be performed by a qualified practitioner using specialized equipment.

    5. What to do after colon hydrotherapy?

    After a colonic hydrotherapy session, it’s important to drink plenty of water and eat light, nourishing foods to support the healing and cleansing process. Avoid heavy, processed foods and alcohol for at least 24 hours after the procedure.

    6. How to get colon cleaned out?

    Colonic hydrotherapy is one way to get your colon cleaned out, but there are also other options such as herbal supplements, enemas, and dietary changes. It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

    Colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india

    7. What is a colonic?

    A colonic is another term for colonic hydrotherapy, which is a procedure that involves flushing out the colon with water to remove waste and toxins.

    8. What is a good cleanser for your bowels?

    There are many different herbal supplements and teas that can help support the health of your digestive system and cleanse your bowels. Some popular options include psyllium husk, aloe vera juice, and senna leaf tea. It’s important to work with a qualified practitioner to determine the best approach for your individual needs.


    Colonic hydrotherapy is a popular alternative therapy that can help support the health of your digestive system. By working with a qualified practitioner, you can determine the best approach for your individual needs and goals. If you’re interested in learning more about colon hydrotherapy machines, contact us today to become a local distributor or reseller. Email us at or message us on WhatsApp at +86135.1090.74.01.

    Colon hydrotherapy machine suppliers india


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