Maison / Équipement de nettoyage du côlon / Machine colique: Avantages, Principe de fonctionnement, et plus

Machine colique: Avantages, Principe de fonctionnement, et plus

Machine colique: Avantages, Principe de fonctionnement, et plus
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    Colonic Machine Colonic Machine Colonic Machine Colonic Machine
    The Descriptions of Colonic Machine:

    Machine colique, également connu sous le nom de nettoyage du côlon ou irrigation du côlon, est souvent pratiqué comme une forme de médecine alternative. Le but revendiqué de la procédure est d'éliminer les toxines, perdre du poids, prévenir les maladies, soulager la constipation, promouvoir la santé et le bien-être en général.
    It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonic Irrigation Systems” , qui sont des dispositifs médicaux initialement destinés à la préparation intestinale avant des procédures radiologiques ou endoscopiques.
    Le client s'allonge généralement sur le lit d'hydrothérapie et l'eau filtrée à température constante est pompée à travers le rectum via un tube.. Les fluides et les déchets sont expulsés par un autre tube. Un grand volume de liquide, jusqu'à 60 les litres seraient introduits dans le côlon via le rectum. La procédure peut être répétée plusieurs fois.

    The Features of Colonic Machine:

    1. Avec tiroir et armoire
    2. Fonctionnement fiable et sûr
    3. Système complètement fermé
    4. Système de désinfection intégré
    5. Régulateur de pression d'eau
    6. Conduites d'eau avec raccords
    7. Pression et température contrôlées avec fonctions de sécurité
    8. Précis, contrôle de température réglable et vanne d'arrêt

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    History of the Colonic Machine

    Machines coliques, également connu sous le nom de machines d'hydrothérapie du côlon, have been used for thousands of years in various cultures to clean the colon and promote overall health. Les anciens Égyptiens et Grecs utilisaient des lavements pour nettoyer le côlon, and the practice has continued to evolve over the years to include advanced technology and techniques.


    Working Principle of Colonic Machines


    Colonic machines use a gentle stream of warm, purified water to flush out the colon and remove accumulated waste and toxins. An experienced practitioner administers the treatment, which usually lasts 45-60 minutes and involves several rounds of water input and output.

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    Benefits of Using a Colonic Machine


    1. Digestion améliorée: Colonic machines can help flush out blockages and improve the overall health of the colon, leading to better digestion and absorption of nutrients.

    2. Désintoxication: Colonic machines can remove accumulated waste and toxins that can lead to inflammation and digestive problems.

    3. Perte de poids: Colonic machines can promote weight loss by flushing out excess waste and reducing bloating.

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    Steps Involved in a Colonic Machine Treatment


    1. Préparation: Clients are advised to avoid food and drink for several hours before the treatment.

    2. Initial Consultation: The practitioner will assess the client’s medical history and determine the appropriate treatment plan.

    3. Traitement: The client lies on a table while the practitioner administers a gentle stream of warm, purified water into the rectum.

    4. Output: The client releases the water and waste into a drain, which is then disposed of properly.

    5. Répéter: The process is repeated several times until the colon is thoroughly cleaned.

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    Who Can Benefit from a Colonic Machine Treatment?


    Anyone looking to improve their digestive health, promote detoxification, or lose weight can benefit from a colonic machine treatment. Cependant, it is important to consult with a healthcare practitioner beforehand, especially if you have any medical conditions.


    Application in Various Industries


    1. Health and Wellness Centers: Colonic machines are commonly found in health and wellness centers, les thermes, et cliniques.

    2. Athletic Performance: Athletes often use colonic machines to promote detoxification and improve digestion, leading to better athletic performance.

    3. Alternative Medicine: Colonic machines are used in alternative medicine practices such as naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

    4. Weight Loss Centers: Colonic machines are used in weight loss centers to promote weight loss and reduce bloating.

    5. Medical Industry: Colonic machines are sometimes used in medical settings for pre-operative bowel preparation or to address certain medical conditions.


    Inquery price


    Using a colonic machine can have numerous benefits for overall health and well-being. It is important to consult with a healthcare practitioner and choose a qualified practitioner before undergoing treatment. For pricing or software information, veuillez nous contacter par e-mail, WhatsApp or leave us a message.


    Colonic Machine Colonic Machine Colonic Machine Colonic Machine Colonic Machine


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